Felicidades Mami, and I just realized I still have some more work to do

First of all I would like to say congratulations to everyone who is graduating today, or anyone who is graduating this month. Especially I want to congratulate my mom, who is one of the strongest women I know and has set a great example for me to follow. She is receiving her master’s degree in Tecnología Educativa (Educational Technology) at Universidad del Sagrado Corazon (Sacred Heart University). I have seen how hard she worked, how much she enjoyed it, and hope the best comes from this great achievement.

¡FELICICADES MAMI! ¡Te quiero mucho!

#GradUSC15 #prouddaughter

Now, I would like to dedicate today’s post to something that was brought to my attention yesterday that I hadn’t really thought of. I knew that all of this I had been through changed me, and I thought I was dealing with it, going to therapies, psychologist, psychiatrist, and getting all my medications. I felt pretty good about myself about being more honest. But there was one thing I never really thought about.

Being honest and being mean are two very different things and I kind of forgot where that line was. I was being honest, but sometimes that honesty went too far. I turned into a real b…h. When this came to my attention yesterday I was terrified. I need to fix this because I never wanted to be mean and I never thought I would be. And I know this happens after you suffer from a Brain Injury, but that doesn’t make it ok. Now that I am aware of this, I want to do my best to control what I say, or the way I say it.

I would like to apologize to anyone who I have been mean to, unfair, or just b…y. I never meant to be this way, I just got caught up in just trying to make people see their problems towards others, I really didn’t mean to let out my problems on all of you. I thought going to doctors was enough and I thought I was getting back to the old me, the real me. But the real me is quiet, thinks twice before saying things, and is very nice (or at least I think). I just got lost in being honest and outspoken.

I have to control what I say out loud, as I do when I write. So I have to think, if I were writing this, how would I say this?

#imsorry #noexcuses

14 thoughts on “Felicidades Mami, and I just realized I still have some more work to do

  1. Hola Kiki!!!
    Sabes que cada vez que te veo en el camp (porque nos está ayudando en nuestro summer camp) digo: ¡qué maravilla! ¡Con el susto que pasamos!
    Tengo que confesar que nunca rezo y por tí puedo decir que hablé con Papà Dios o como le querramos llamar.
    Recuerda que: caminas, subes y bajas escaleras, comprendes, sigues instrucciones, nos ayudas cantidad, escribes…estàs viva. Pues, qué importa no tener filtro y decir las cosas como son. Eso se trabaja poco a poco y lo màs importante de todo esto es que ya tienes una idea de còmo hacerlo. Pero no lo cambies demasiado, siempre necesitamos la verdad. No matter what. We ❤️ U!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Marimer…. felicitaciones.
    Madre ejemplar, hija ejemplar,
    éxito a las dos y muchos cariños.
    Kiki…. me gusta mucho leer tu blog, y este “post” en particular me encanto!! Abrazos …

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Si cariño, yo tambien quiero felicitar a Marimer, por todos sus esfuerzos y trabajos.
    Estoy tan orgullosa de la forma en que has tomado la iniciativa de estructurar tu vida a través de tus retos. Solamente las personas con esa fortaleza interior que posees y que has decidido cultivar, puede lograr derribar los muros y abrir las alas para volar. Pero tu vuelo tiene que ser realista, y por eso amo este escrito de hoy, porque demuestra madurez, si bien es cierto que muchas veces el filtro que tenemos puede ser afectado por accidentes cerebrales de muchos tipos, y el tuyo fue realmente traumático y a la vez milagroso, el milagro mayor es no darte por vencida y aprovechar esta segunda oportunidad que el Señor te ha dado para vivir una vida productiva con alas y con raices. Los que te queremos y te admiramos de verdad podemos entender que a veces nos digas la verdad sin adornos, pero siempre es bueno hacerle ver a la persona que es respetada aunque diferimos de ella, por eso para que de verdad logres tu meta, pidele a las personas con quien hablas que te ayuden a darte cuenta si necesitas reconsiderar la forma en que dices las cosas, pero nunca, reconcideres dejar de decir la verdad. Es facil, Kiki, eres muy amada, un abrazo, Mariloly

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Las felicito a las dos!! Sois grandes mujeres ademas de tener una espiritualidad interior que irradia paz a todos. Me encanta leer tu blog Ma Cristina ayuda a q cada dia agradezcamos las maravillas del vivir. !Exito!

    Liked by 1 person

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