On Wednesday, LifeSkills Village, one of my blog’s followers,  tweeted me asking for an email where they could reach me to talk about my blog. This made me very curious, so I gave them my blog’s email address.

The next day, on Thursday I received an email directly from them, inviting me to collaborate with them on their new project, The TBI Portal. They are asking for my help by sharing my story and anything I think is important to share about a TBI.

I am so honored to be asked to do this. This is one of the reasons I started this blog, to be able to share my story and help others who are going through the same thing. I know patients need this, their family and caretakers need this, and I am more than happy and willing to provide all the help I can, because I know what it is like, and I wish I had this while I was going through my recovery.

I am so happy to be asked to join this team, to help people, and to be asked to do this by writing, is just a dream come true, and I feel honored that they asked me. I only hoped that someone would notice what I was saying when I started my blog, and they did! Now I hope I can really do this, I can use my words to make a difference in someone’s life and to help them.

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