That time we got lost in El Yunque Rainforest

I am not a hiker, I like walking and running and if I’m invited on a hike, I go, but I am not a hiker. My balance is not the best and I am terrified of falling and hitting my head again. However, when my boyfriend invited me on a hike with his family, who … Continue reading That time we got lost in El Yunque Rainforest

September 21, 2012

Ten years ago today was the third and last surgery on my cranium after the accident I was in nine months before in May. Even though it has been a decade, I still remember how terrified I was during the days before and the day of the operation. I remember still being awake as the … Continue reading September 21, 2012

Ten years after my TBI

My TBI was officially one decade ago. When I think about it like that, a whole decade, it seems like an eternity but 10 years is a long time, even if sometime it may not seem that way. A lot has happened during these last ten years, not just my recovery. Ten years ago, I … Continue reading Ten years after my TBI

Got the Covid19 booster dose and the flu shot

I just got the Covid19 booster dose and the flu shot. I always prefer to get vaccines or blood drawn from my left arm. I know it’s an irrational fear but there’s something about the needle and the metal plate I have in my right arm that just makes me nervous. I just don’t want … Continue reading Got the Covid19 booster dose and the flu shot

First day of work 2021

Today was the first day of work after Christmas vacation and first day of work of 2021. First days of anything after vacation are always horrible but this one wasn’t bad. The only thing that was difficult was having to wake up at 6:30 again. I thought I wouldn’t want to go for a walk … Continue reading First day of work 2021

My first DIY haircut

I thought I could hold on longer but this couldn’t wait anymore, I needed a haircut. It was getting pretty bad, I already had pretty bad split ends but I didn’t think about going back to a beauty parlor yet. I know they’re open but it’s still very risky. I’ve heard those are some of … Continue reading My first DIY haircut

There’s more of us and we are not afraid

After spending all day yesterday waiting for the governor to resign, I went to sleep with no news of his resignation and thinking I would wake up to horrible news of disaster. Our protests these past two weeks since parts of the governor's horrible chat with those close to him were first leaked on June … Continue reading There’s more of us and we are not afraid


Today I finished reading Becoming by Michelle Obama, and I have to say it deserves all the great reviews it got. I was curious about reading it but I honestly didn't think it would be that interesting because well, I don't like politics. What's great about it is, she doesn't talk about politics, it's not … Continue reading Becoming

Seven years later…

I didn't think about it, but writing this brings a lot of old feelings back. I can't help but look back at the last seven years of my life, at least what I can remember of them and the worst moments come to mind. From that very first memory that always makes me sad and … Continue reading Seven years later…

You write your own story

I read an article today that inspired me and I want to follow the write's example. maybe my take on his message may seem a little bit angrier but maybe I was sort of venting while I wrote this: As my emotions have gotten more stable during these seven years after my brain injury there … Continue reading You write your own story

Happy Birthday!

Happy fourth birthday Unstoppable Maria! I still can't believe it's been four years, I didn't' even realize it has been so long when I remembered it was our birthday today. The years have gone by in a flash and I've enjoyed every day of them, I really hope you have enjoyed reading. Thank you for … Continue reading Happy Birthday!

Brain Injury Awareness Month 2019

It's March again and you know what that means? Brain Injury Awareness Month. Every year different organizations have different campaigns to celebrate this month, like #ChangeYourMind from the Brain Injury Association of America or the best one I've seen so far #notinvisible. This campaign is being used by Faces of TBI, a movement started by … Continue reading Brain Injury Awareness Month 2019

Unstoppable survivors

  After finding this in a Brain Injury page on Facebook, I knew I had to share it. I want to share this for all my fellow survivors, those who are just beginning to live their new lives as survivors and for the veteran survivors. I want this to be a reminder that you are … Continue reading Unstoppable survivors

The Invisible Rain Cloud

As much as I write about my brain injury, I sometimes feel like I can't really explain exactly what it's like. Everything I read says different things about what it feels like but that's not always what I feel. I don't know if others feel the same way but as much as I try to … Continue reading The Invisible Rain Cloud

You can get back up again

I did it, six years ago I learned how to walk again. If you ask me today how I did it I can only say I did it with a lot of hard work and a even more patience. It takes a lot of persistence, desire to move forward and even more faith in yourself. … Continue reading You can get back up again